Today was a life experience. After I left Brekke I was treated to some of the best weather I've had all trip. Sunny, high 50s and not a breath of wind. Granted, the first few kilometers I was dodging trucks flying down the road to and from the rock quarry but after a short while we were going down different roads. What made it the experience was after the first hour of riding the skies opened up and a deluge happened. With the exception of when I stopped for lunch, I rode in driving rain the majority of the day. I think there was only a 20% chance of rain today and the chance was for "light" showers. The temperature dropped into the low 40s as well. I've learned in this area anything from a 0-100% chance of rain means a 100% chance of rain. I think it rains every day here with how close it is to the ocean and the Songefjord.
With that said, the scenery was again spectacular today. I was mostly riding around fjords until I came up to the Songefjord which is massive. It was a fairly short day of riding at about 45 kilometers but a lot of climbing. I started and ended more or less at sea level but climbed about 2,500 feet along the way. The rain just added a degree of difficulty and I was on some pretty narrow roads again. But in the end I can't complain. It's been quite the trip so far and everywhere I ride has me in awe of what's here.
Obligatory selfie from the balcony outside my room last night. The next photo is this morning from the place I stayed. It was a pretty amazing location.
Apparently kids here have the same pet snail as Sponge Bob.
I thought this was pretty cool. Some little kid playing with toy trucks and tractors when their parents use the "big" stuff. Just reminds me of playing with tractors as a kid and some things never change regardless of what part of the world you're in.
Norwegian campground!
There were spots that almost reminded me of the Black Hills with the rock formations and the pine trees. But then again, the Black Hills didn't have a giant body of water right next to it. This next photo was probably the longest straight stretch of road I've had the entire trip.
'Merica, one more time...
It started to pour at one point so I ducked into a bus shelter to wait it out (skies hadn't opened up yet at that point) and this was the boat coming in that I had to time my tunnel departure through yesterday.
Norway has a few national bike routes and the road to Eivindvik was part of it. This was a side route from the main road. It was a little less direct but much less traffic.
It was raining.
For a few minutes, the rain stopped. It was about 12:30 so I thought it was a good time to have lunch and had one of the best views I could ask for looking out on the Songefjord.
That's all for today! I have to get on the ferry tomorrow for a bit and then I'm cycling back into the mainland. I'm staying at a farm house tomorrow night. I don't think it's a place you can reserve but these people have a working farm and Arne knows them well so it's part of his tour. I'm curious to see what this farm is all about and how it compares to how I grew up!
Happy Independence Day!!
Did you notice that one of the toy tractors was a John Deere? Beautiful, but wet, scenery.